Saturday, March 19, 2016

Might As Well Get Paid If You're Going To Waste Time On Social Media Sites

When is the last time any big website like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Craigslist, YouTube,, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram.. the list goes on and on.. can you recall the last time ANY of these sites sent you a check for helping them to make money?

I don't know about you but I just checked my mailbox and I have YET to see myself getting paid from any of those sites listed above or any other website, in fact, on the internet. The don't need to pay us.. for we are already doing them the favor of hanging out on their sites. This very act allows them to charge advertisers money to place ads up there onto their pages.

I say it is time for all of that to come to an end. How about you?

Let's become "Pros" at getting paid instead of making these other sites all of the money!! Are you down for that??  Me and you could be out there on the lake somewhere in a boat enjoying the good life with the extra dollars that aren't coming our way right now because of these types of sites.

All is well, though, the change is on its way.  FutureAdPro has arrived.    Actually, it has been here for a few years, but not in the exact form that you see today.

I just created a twitter account to promote Future Ad Pro to a different audience than I'm use to entertaining.  This account is just me and not the actual company, which is why I say that I am an affiliate on the page. If the come and decide they want the domain that I am using I'll gladly give it up to them.

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